Location - Map

If you are going to use Google Maps (or other internet resources) to search for St. Paul’s location - you’ll find some interesting oddities.  Searching for "St Pauls Church, Allison Park, PA” or "10301 Walter Road, Wexford, PA” will (when last checked again) put you in a dog park.  You’ll need to continue on the road going up the hill to get to the church.

Our mail is serviced by Allison Park (zip code), but our GEOGRAPHIC location is Wexford.  Some other interesting oddities is the many time mistaken name of the road the church is searched on.  The correct name of the road is “Walter” (not ending in “s”).  You’ll see this mistated as “Walters” many places; maps on the internet and carved wood signs in North Park itself!  If you search for "10301 Walters Road, Allison Park, PA” (wrong street name for the church, but correct zip location) you will find a location - but it will be about a 13 minute drive from that location to get you to the one you were looking for.

True Location of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church

© St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2017