
As Peacefull as the Park!

Services are on Sundays at 10:00 AM

  • Adult Study Classes During Lent - Adult study classes are held on Wednesdays during Lent 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM.  First class is Wednesday, March 12th.  There is a sign-up sheet on the first pew to let us know you plan on attending so we can setup accordingly.
  • Easter Flowers - Marilyn has the Easter Flower list and is ready for those who wish to purchase a flower for the altar decor on Easter!  The cost will be posted as soon as the florist communicates with Marilyn. 
  • Can you Participate? We are asking you to be a part of the Tenebrae service following the Maundy Thursday Liturgy.  Rehearsal for the choir will begin during Lent on Sundays following the 10am Liturgy for approximately 30-45 minutes.  For all others involved, only one commitment is asked, on Palm Sunday evening, April 13, time TBA.  Please contact our “music master” Don.
  • The Calling of Music - Please keep in prayer the search for a new Pipe Organ technician.  Our current person has retired.  Also, keep in prayer that college student musicians will answer our Call to enhance our liturgies.
  • This week's challenge - Take time out to pray during LENT.  Find quiet time to empty yourself.  In return, He "will raise you up on eagle's wings, bear you on the breath of dawn, and make you to shine like the sun and hold you in the palm of His hands." 


The church services are always open to you - our family, friends, and the surrounding North Park community.  

If you are walking, jogging, cycling, picnicking and/or want to hear the what God has to say, come in and spend time in spiritual thought with the Lord.  Sacred pipe organ music is used to project the hymns.  It will help you to re-group/refresh your inner self.  Spread the word to your contacts on your social media or in person, someone may be needing your help.  This is a way for your to be a disciple of Jesus; evangelize.  Remember this moniker from The Chosen: "It's not your job to feed the hungry, you are only asked to provide the loaves and fishes." 

© St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 2017