St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
10301 Walter Road
Allison Park, PA 15101
eMail: info@StPaulsNorthPark.org
Our pastor is Rev. Dr. Frederick P. Schenker. Don’t let all those titles scare you though, he’s a regular guy and “Pastor Fred” to all.
To contact Pastor Fred directly:
eMail: PastorFred@StPaulsNorthPark.org
Phone: 724-939-7793
Donations appreciated and can be mailed to the church's address noted above. You could also use the “Donate” button below to contribute from a PayPal account you may presently have or a Credit/Debit Card. The Button will open a secured PayPal window for you to utilize to assist us with our Ministry via a donation to our PayPal account.
Thank you for your consideration and may God Keep you Well and Safe.